"Within the child lies the fate of the future." Dr. Maria Montessori

Application Processing & Waiting Lists
We may be unable to confirm your child’s placement following the admission interview due to timing (if not yet processing for the new school year) or insufficient space availability for the classroom or start date requested. In that case, your application will be placed on our waiting list based on the date received. When offering placement, we first consider the best match between the available space and start date requested by the family, then give priority to applications from:
1) current students and families (for schedule changes or sibling enrolment),
2) alumni students and families,
3) new students and families seeking placement,
passing through each ranked category in order based on the date of receipt of each completed application.
A non-refundable application processing fee of $100 is payable per child to process your child(ren)’s enrolment. This fee will be requested only when we are able to offer your child(ren) a placement. There is no refund of the application fee should you decline to enroll your child once placement is accepted. Please note that your application will expire once your requested start date in school has passed. You may revise your requested start date prior to expiration of your application to maintain your waiting list position.