Open House : Saturday February 8/25 from 10 am - noon

Our Goals

To nurture a love of learning by providing a secure, positive, and stimulating environment.
To provide learning activities aimed at developing life skills including communication, concentration, perseverance, effective problem-solving, and self-regulation.
To empower children by encouraging and respecting independent thinking, self-directed learning, social responsibility, and creative expression through a variety of experiences.
To nurture children’s unique gifts and multiple intelligences by providing a variety of experiences to balance intellectual, social, emotional, creative, and physical growth.
To promote continuous improvement of the program by welcoming parent, staff, and child input.
We create a carefully prepared learning environment where a child's expression is nurtured with rich Montessori curriculum in Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, Art, Music, Social Studies, Science, and Nature activities. With their natural curiosity, children are encouraged to explore the world around them at their own pace, through engagement with their chosen activity. Our teachers carefully observe and guide student-directed progress, as well as continually assess readiness for advancement.
Through self-directed progress with the Montessori learning materials, each child develops a sense of independence, self-esteem, and well-being. Teachers encourage and support the growth of self-regulation in child-initiated activity as we remain true to Dr. Montessori's mantra "Help me to help myself".
In our Montessori classroom, every child feels a sense of community and belonging as they are encouraged to make decisions, exchange ideas, and care for the classroom environment. We work together to resolve conflict through modelling positive behaviour, interactions and choices. We foster and maintain parent relationships and trust through open communication, by welcoming feedback, and addressing questions or concerns with integrity and timeliness.
We feel privileged to nurture your child(ren) and share in their early learning experience. Inspired by Dr. Maria Montessori’s edict to “Follow the Child”, we will support each child’s growth and individual needs every step of their learning journey.
Our Approach