"Within the child lies the fate of the future." Dr. Maria Montessori

Fee Policies
Brooklin Mill Montessori School is wholly funded by the school fees paid by the parents / guardians of our students. We do not receive funding under the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. As such, we request a financial commitment from families for the timely payment of school fees to maintain the financial viability of our School in the best interests of students and staff. A sibling discount applies to the school year tuition fees for a second and third child of the same parents when the children are enrolled in our Montessori classes.
Our school year extends over 43 weeks, and includes 3 non-instructional weeks (2 weeks during the Winter Break and 1 week in March). Our fees are based on the 40 instructional weeks divided into 10 equal payments due at the first of each month. Therefore, each school fee payment represents 4 weeks of instruction and may not correspond with the monthly calendar. Accordingly, there is no reduction in fees during the months containing non-instructional weeks. Summer School fees paid during July and August correspond to the actual weeks of instruction selected.
Total monthly school fees are payable by pre-authorized debit or e-transfer, on the first business day of each month. Families may elect to distribute monthly school fees over 2 instalments due on the first and fifteenth (or next business day) of each month. Alternatively, fees may be remitted in one lump sum upon enrolment. Returned payments are subject to a penalty of $35 per payment and 2% per month interest. Although we make every effort to maintain our fee schedule throughout the school year, school fees are subject to change with one month’s written notice. Annual school fees paid in a lump sum are not subject to subsequent fee increases during the school year. Income tax receipts for tuition fees received by December 31st will be issued by the end of February in the following year.
Late Pick-Up Fees
Late pick-up fees apply to all programs, without exception. Brooklin Mill Montessori School provides a 10-minute grace period following class dismissal for children departing immediately after class. Departures after the grace period has expired will be billed from the time of class dismissal. A late fee of $10 for every 10-minute interval will apply for pick-up after 5 pm. Late fees are due within 10 days of occurrence.